The "witch wound" is a collective trauma, imprinted in our DNA and our energy bodies, most commonly linked to the "burning times", but more accurately accumulated from any form of persecution due to spiritual sovereignty, healing gifts, psychic abilities, midwifery, herbalism, shamanism, magick, energy work, Goddess worship etc, experienced in your ancestral lineage or your soul's previous (parallel) incarnations.

The "witch wound" can show up as:

Fear of visibilty - Playing small and not shining your full light out into the world. Feeling blocked in your expression, creativity, and business

Fear of not belonging - Worrying about what people think: "will I lose all my friends if I show them who I really am?"

Fear of betrayal - Lack of trust in others, comparing yourself to others, unhealthy competitivness or jealousy

Imposter syndrome - Doubting yourself, feeling like a phoney, believing everyone else is better than you

Abundance blocks - Not feeling worthy of receiving financial prosperity, security, and freedom for your spiritual work

In this free masterclass you will receive:

In-depth teachings to better understand the impact of this imprint on our collective and individual consiousness

A multi-dimensional healing to:

  • Reclaim your spiritual sovereignty

  • Own and celebrate your gifts

  • Attract your soulmate friends and clients

  • Shine your light brightly into the world

  • Open to the flow abundance

Bonus access to intuitive guidance

This FREE Masterclass is a taster of what you can expect in my 6 month online program for healers: Elevation

Get to know my signature style of teaching+healing, where we work with your body, emotions, mental patterns, and energetic programming by tapping into your own innate wisdom - supported by my intuitive transmission of Reiki, Seichim, Isis Ka, Light Language, and guidance from your team in Spirit.

Fill in the form above to recieve FREE access to the 90 minute live session, plus the recording which will be available for 14 days.